Supernatural Merits

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=Surreal Quality: (2 point Flaw)=
=Iron Resistance: (4 point Merit)=
Though the Mists still protect you from mortal detection, there is something about you that mortals find fascinating. At inappropriate times, they will stare at you and strike up conversations in the hopes of getting to know you better. Worse still, those mortals who are of less savory nature will choose you over other potential targets for their illicit acts.
Cold iron has no physical effect on you. You may touch cold iron and feel no excruciating pain, not even a tingle. However, constant exposure to the metal will still cause you to suffer Banality. This is a double-edged sword, as you may not realize when you are sitting on a cold iron bench or leaning against a fence made of the foul metal. A Perception + Intelligence roll (difficulty 7) is required to avoid exposing yourself to the dangerous element in any setting where it is present.
=Echoes: (2-5 point Flaw)=
=Regeneration: (7point Merit)=
Your connection to the Dreaming is stronger than that of most Kithain. As a result of this powerful connection, you are more susceptible to the things that traditionally affect faeries, as told in ancient wives' tales. While Echoes is purchased as a Flaw, it often has some beneficial side-effects. The points received with this Flaw reflect the level of your connection to the Dreaming and even to Arcadia. You must
Your faerie nature is very strong. As a result you heal much faster than other Kithain. For every turn spent resting, you recover one Health Level of chimerical damage. Physical wounds require a great deal more rest, but they too can be regenerated at a rate of one Health Level per hour. While in a freehold, your wounds heal at twice this speed. Wounds inflicted by cold iron are not affected by this Merit.
have Storyteller approval in order to take this Flaw. The effects of this Flaw are cumulative. For example, a character with a five-point Flaw also suffers the setbacks of the two through four-point Flaws.
*Minor: Salt thrown over the shoulder for good luck offers a mortal protection from faerie powers. The same is true for throwing bread over a shoulder. Any mortal who does so cannot be affected by your cantrips in any way for the duration of the scene. You may physically hurt the person, but cantrips simply do not work, or worse they may well backfire. Additionally, any mortal knowing your full name can command three tasks from you, which you must accomplish before you can be freed of that mortal's influence. However, you need only follow the exact wording of the mortal's requests, not the desire behind them. (2 points)
*Moderate: You may not enter a home without invitation unless you perform some small favor for an occupant. However, the invitation to enter a home may come from anyone in it, not necessarily the owner. Cold iron in a residence will bar you from entering the place whether you are invited or not; religious symbols have the same effect. Religious symbols of any sort will prevent you from physically or magically affecting mortals. The sound of ringing church bells causes you pain, just as cold iron does (at this level there is only pain, but with a four-point Flaw, the changeling gains one point of Banality for every turn he is forced to endure the sound). (3 points)
*Serious: Four-leaf clovers in the possession of a mortal prevent you from using your Arts against that mortal for good or bad. However, four-leaf clovers picked by you are sure to bring good luck (you cannot botch, or perhaps you temporarily gain the favor of a powerful individual) for as long as the petals of the clover remain intact. The clover must be worn or carried in order for this luck to remain. Any mortal wearing his coat inside out is invisible to you. You may not cross running water, save by means of a bridge. Religious symbols are now repellent to you, forcing you away from those who wear them. The shadow of a cross falling upon your person causes one Health Level of chimerical damage for each turn the shadow is cast upon you. You may no longer enter holy ground without suffering chimerical injuries (one Health Level per turn), though this damage may he soaked. (4 points)
*Extreme: Wherever you dwell, mushrooms tend to bloom in faerie rings — even on your plush carpet. The Mists no longer hide your powers. Many people will remember you if you use your Glamour while around them. Chimerical creatures tend to become more real for you than for others, and their attacks cause real and permanent injury. By the reverse, your chimerical weapons can cause damage to anyone, even mortals. People will likely follow you if you request it, gaining dazed looks as they follow you even into dangerous situations. Your difficulties in casting cantrips might be reduced by a substantial amount (Storyteller's discretion), but those wearing cold iron or religious symbols are immune to any Arts you might use. You must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) in order to enter holy ground. Even if you succeed in your Willpower roll, actual physical damage (one Health Level per turn) occurs whenever you enter holy ground. (5 points)
=Iron Allergy: (3-5 point Flaw)=
=Past Life: (1-5 point Merit)=
Most of the Kithain only suffer pain and Banality when in contact with cold iron. You suffer from actual wounds. Cold iron reacts like superheated steel when it touches your skin. The very least you will endure is severe blistering. For each round in contact with iron, you suffer one Health Level of chimerical damage. When this is taken as a four-point Flaw, you take one Health Level of real damage for every three rounds in contact with cold iron. As a five-point Flaw, you suffer this damage if you stand within a foot of the iron.
You can remember one or more of your previous incarnations. This can be as simple as constant sense of deja vu in places known in your past lives, or as complex as conscious, waking memories of being another person. In practical terms, this means that your character knows things about situations through dead memories. You might know your way around a past life's hometown, or might back away from a past life's murderer
without knowing why. This is a good Background for beginning players; the Storyteller can tell them that something they are about to do is stupid, dangerous or both. This Background cannot be used to "remember" Abilities. The Storyteller can, and likely should, take the opportunity to flesh out one or more of your past selves with you. However, unless your memories are very detailed, your character isn't likely to know everything about that past.
*One point — Deja vu memories of one life
*Two points — Dreamy, vague memories of one life, with deja vu from several lives
*Three points — Vague memories of several lives and one or two well-remembered impressions from one life
*Four points — Several well-remembered impressions from many lives
*Five points — A clear but broken thread of memories back to the Mythic Age and beyond...
=True Love: (l point Merit)=
You have discovered, and possibly lost (at least temporarily) a true love. Nonetheless, this love provides joy in an otherwise arid existence that's usually devoid of such enlightened emotions. Whenever you are suffering, in danger or dejected, the thought of your true love is enough to give you the strength to persevere. In game terms, this love allows you to succeed automatically on any Willpower roll, but only when you are actively striving to protect or come closer to your true love. Also, the power of your love may be powerful enough to protect you from other supernatural forces (Storyteller's discretion). However, your true love may also be a hindrance and require aid (or even rescue) from time to time. Be forewarned: this is a most exacting Merit to play over the course of a chronicle.
=Faerie Eternity: (2 point Merit)=
After you went through your Chrysalis, you had a birthday, and then another, and then another. Something was strange, though — you didn't seem to grow or get older. You are touched with a vestige of the immortality that used to be the birthright of all fae. As long as your fae seeming is active, you will age at one tenth that of a normal human or changeling. Should your fae seeming be permanently destroyed or should you retreat into Banality, you will begin to age normally.
=Medium: (2 point Merit)=
You possess a natural affinity to sense and hear spirits, ghosts and shades. Though you cannot see them, you feel their presence and are able to speak with them when they are in the vicinity. It is even possible for you to summon them (through pleading and cajoling) to your presence. Spirits will not simply aid you or give you advice for free — they will always want something in return.
=Danger Sense: (2 point Merit)=
You have a sixth sense that warns you of danger. When you are in danger, the Storyteller should make a secret roll against your Perception + Alertness; the difficulty depends on the remoteness of the danger. If the roll succeeds, the Storyteller tells you that you have a sense of foreboding. Multiple successes may refine the feeling and give an indication of direction, distance or nature.
=Spirit Mentor: (3 point Merit)=
You have a ghostly companion and guide. This spirit is able to employ a number of minor powers when it really struggles to exert itself (see Haunted, below), but for the most part it's beneficial to you for the advice it can give. This ghost is the incorporeal spirit of someone who was once living, perhaps even someone particularly famous or wise. The Storyteller will create the ghost character, but will not reveal its full powers and potencies. Mentors of this sort are not true Mentors of the Arts, but might give special insights into aspects of mortal life that changelings have missed or forgotten. (Further ideas for this Merit can be obtained from Wraith.) Werewolf/Vampire
=Companion: (3 point Merit)=
You have a friend and ally who just happens to be a werewolf or vampire. Though you may call upon this being in times of need, she also has the right to call upon you (after all, you are friends). Neither your kind nor hers appreciate your relationship; while changelings frequently deal with the Prodigals, all sides share a healthy distrust of each other. Your friend will not become a walking Glamour battery for greedy changelings. Such relationships often end badly — The Storyteller will create the character in question, and will not reveal its full powers and potencies.
=Luck (3 point Merit)=
You were born lucky; you have a guardian angel or the Devil looks after his own. Either way, you can repeat three tailed non-magical rolls per story. Only one repeat attempt may he made on any single roll.
=Unbondable: (4 point Merit)=
You are immune to being Blood Bound. No matter how much vampire Mood you drink, you can never be Bound to a vampire. This is exceedingly rare, and the Merit should he carefully considered by Storytellers hefore it is allowed into the game.
=Sphere Natural: (5 point Merit)=
You are able to utilize one of the Arts with a greater degree of ease than other changelings can. In a previous incarnation, you were extremely proficient in one of the Arts — so much so that a small portion of that knowledge has carried over into this lifetime.
Select an Art; when spending experience points to gain levels in that Art, you pay three-quarters the normal cost. This Art must he declared during character conception. Of course, this Merit may only be purchased once.
=Guardian Angel: (6 point Merit)=
Someone or something watches over you and protects you from harm. You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea that someone is looking out for you. In times of great need, you may be supernaturally protected. However, one can never count upon a guardian angel. The Storyteller must decide why you are heing watched and what is watching you (not necessarily an angel, despite the name).
=True Faith: (7 point Merit)=
You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God, or whatever name you choose to call the Almighty. You begin the game with one point of Faith (a Trait with a range of 1-10). This Faith provides you with an inner strength and comfort that continues to support you when all else betrays you. This Merit is exceedingly rare among changelings, and is found most often among those who have undergone their Chrysalis late in life.
Your Faith adds to Willpower rolls, giving + 1 to the Dice Pool for each point in Faith. The exact supernatural effects of Faith, if any, are completely up to the Storyteller, although it will typically repel vampires. (Basically, the changeling must make a Faith roll against a difficulty of the vampire's Willpower to repel him. For more rules, see Vampire Players Guide, pg. 30, or The Hunters Hunted, pp. 64-66.) The effects of Faith will certainly vary from person to person, and will almost never be obvious — some of the most saintly people have never performed miracles greater than managing to ease the suffering of injured souls. The nature of any miracles you do perform will usually he tied to your own Nature, and you may never realize that you have been aided by a force beyond yourself.
An additional benefit of True Faith is innate magic resistance. This effect will not work for changelings (theories about the reason for this vary), but can add a dangerous wrinkle to fanatical witch-hunters or enemy Dauntain. A character may roll his True Faith (difficulty 6) to reduce the successes of any cantrips cast upon him. Therefore, a changeling facing a hunter with 5 points of True Faith stands a slim chance of affecting him with magic.
True Faith is a rare attribute in this day and age. No one may start the game with more than one Faith point. Additional points are only awarded at the Storyteller's discretion, based on appropriate behavior and deeds.
=Poetic Heart: (3 point Merit)=
You have a truly inspired soul within you. You are destined to be a great hero or artist, and therefore Glamour shields you from the ravages of Banality. At times you may even be able to stave off the tide of Banality. You may make a Willpower roll to avoid gaining a point of temporary Banality once per story.
=Winged: (3 point Merit)=
Wind Runner (Wayfare 3). If you have taken this as a Merit, you may indeed fly for short periods of time. This power works as any other use of Glamour when only Kithain are present, but will not work in the presence of mortals.
=Seeming's Blessing: (5 point Merit)=
Your Birthrights affect your mortal seeming as well as your fae mien. A sidhe would receive extra dots in Appearance. A satyr would receive extra dots in Stamina and speed. A troll would receive extra dots in Strength.

Latest revision as of 05:32, 10 November 2013



Iron Resistance: (4 point Merit)

Cold iron has no physical effect on you. You may touch cold iron and feel no excruciating pain, not even a tingle. However, constant exposure to the metal will still cause you to suffer Banality. This is a double-edged sword, as you may not realize when you are sitting on a cold iron bench or leaning against a fence made of the foul metal. A Perception + Intelligence roll (difficulty 7) is required to avoid exposing yourself to the dangerous element in any setting where it is present.

Regeneration: (7point Merit)

Your faerie nature is very strong. As a result you heal much faster than other Kithain. For every turn spent resting, you recover one Health Level of chimerical damage. Physical wounds require a great deal more rest, but they too can be regenerated at a rate of one Health Level per hour. While in a freehold, your wounds heal at twice this speed. Wounds inflicted by cold iron are not affected by this Merit.

Past Life: (1-5 point Merit)

You can remember one or more of your previous incarnations. This can be as simple as constant sense of deja vu in places known in your past lives, or as complex as conscious, waking memories of being another person. In practical terms, this means that your character knows things about situations through dead memories. You might know your way around a past life's hometown, or might back away from a past life's murderer without knowing why. This is a good Background for beginning players; the Storyteller can tell them that something they are about to do is stupid, dangerous or both. This Background cannot be used to "remember" Abilities. The Storyteller can, and likely should, take the opportunity to flesh out one or more of your past selves with you. However, unless your memories are very detailed, your character isn't likely to know everything about that past.

  • One point — Deja vu memories of one life
  • Two points — Dreamy, vague memories of one life, with deja vu from several lives
  • Three points — Vague memories of several lives and one or two well-remembered impressions from one life
  • Four points — Several well-remembered impressions from many lives
  • Five points — A clear but broken thread of memories back to the Mythic Age and beyond...

True Love: (l point Merit)

You have discovered, and possibly lost (at least temporarily) a true love. Nonetheless, this love provides joy in an otherwise arid existence that's usually devoid of such enlightened emotions. Whenever you are suffering, in danger or dejected, the thought of your true love is enough to give you the strength to persevere. In game terms, this love allows you to succeed automatically on any Willpower roll, but only when you are actively striving to protect or come closer to your true love. Also, the power of your love may be powerful enough to protect you from other supernatural forces (Storyteller's discretion). However, your true love may also be a hindrance and require aid (or even rescue) from time to time. Be forewarned: this is a most exacting Merit to play over the course of a chronicle.

Faerie Eternity: (2 point Merit)

After you went through your Chrysalis, you had a birthday, and then another, and then another. Something was strange, though — you didn't seem to grow or get older. You are touched with a vestige of the immortality that used to be the birthright of all fae. As long as your fae seeming is active, you will age at one tenth that of a normal human or changeling. Should your fae seeming be permanently destroyed or should you retreat into Banality, you will begin to age normally.

Medium: (2 point Merit)

You possess a natural affinity to sense and hear spirits, ghosts and shades. Though you cannot see them, you feel their presence and are able to speak with them when they are in the vicinity. It is even possible for you to summon them (through pleading and cajoling) to your presence. Spirits will not simply aid you or give you advice for free — they will always want something in return.

Danger Sense: (2 point Merit)

You have a sixth sense that warns you of danger. When you are in danger, the Storyteller should make a secret roll against your Perception + Alertness; the difficulty depends on the remoteness of the danger. If the roll succeeds, the Storyteller tells you that you have a sense of foreboding. Multiple successes may refine the feeling and give an indication of direction, distance or nature.

Spirit Mentor: (3 point Merit)

You have a ghostly companion and guide. This spirit is able to employ a number of minor powers when it really struggles to exert itself (see Haunted, below), but for the most part it's beneficial to you for the advice it can give. This ghost is the incorporeal spirit of someone who was once living, perhaps even someone particularly famous or wise. The Storyteller will create the ghost character, but will not reveal its full powers and potencies. Mentors of this sort are not true Mentors of the Arts, but might give special insights into aspects of mortal life that changelings have missed or forgotten. (Further ideas for this Merit can be obtained from Wraith.) Werewolf/Vampire

Companion: (3 point Merit)

You have a friend and ally who just happens to be a werewolf or vampire. Though you may call upon this being in times of need, she also has the right to call upon you (after all, you are friends). Neither your kind nor hers appreciate your relationship; while changelings frequently deal with the Prodigals, all sides share a healthy distrust of each other. Your friend will not become a walking Glamour battery for greedy changelings. Such relationships often end badly — The Storyteller will create the character in question, and will not reveal its full powers and potencies.

Luck (3 point Merit)

You were born lucky; you have a guardian angel or the Devil looks after his own. Either way, you can repeat three tailed non-magical rolls per story. Only one repeat attempt may he made on any single roll.

Unbondable: (4 point Merit)

You are immune to being Blood Bound. No matter how much vampire Mood you drink, you can never be Bound to a vampire. This is exceedingly rare, and the Merit should he carefully considered by Storytellers hefore it is allowed into the game.

Sphere Natural: (5 point Merit)

You are able to utilize one of the Arts with a greater degree of ease than other changelings can. In a previous incarnation, you were extremely proficient in one of the Arts — so much so that a small portion of that knowledge has carried over into this lifetime.

Select an Art; when spending experience points to gain levels in that Art, you pay three-quarters the normal cost. This Art must he declared during character conception. Of course, this Merit may only be purchased once.

Guardian Angel: (6 point Merit)

Someone or something watches over you and protects you from harm. You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea that someone is looking out for you. In times of great need, you may be supernaturally protected. However, one can never count upon a guardian angel. The Storyteller must decide why you are heing watched and what is watching you (not necessarily an angel, despite the name).

True Faith: (7 point Merit)

You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God, or whatever name you choose to call the Almighty. You begin the game with one point of Faith (a Trait with a range of 1-10). This Faith provides you with an inner strength and comfort that continues to support you when all else betrays you. This Merit is exceedingly rare among changelings, and is found most often among those who have undergone their Chrysalis late in life.

Your Faith adds to Willpower rolls, giving + 1 to the Dice Pool for each point in Faith. The exact supernatural effects of Faith, if any, are completely up to the Storyteller, although it will typically repel vampires. (Basically, the changeling must make a Faith roll against a difficulty of the vampire's Willpower to repel him. For more rules, see Vampire Players Guide, pg. 30, or The Hunters Hunted, pp. 64-66.) The effects of Faith will certainly vary from person to person, and will almost never be obvious — some of the most saintly people have never performed miracles greater than managing to ease the suffering of injured souls. The nature of any miracles you do perform will usually he tied to your own Nature, and you may never realize that you have been aided by a force beyond yourself.

An additional benefit of True Faith is innate magic resistance. This effect will not work for changelings (theories about the reason for this vary), but can add a dangerous wrinkle to fanatical witch-hunters or enemy Dauntain. A character may roll his True Faith (difficulty 6) to reduce the successes of any cantrips cast upon him. Therefore, a changeling facing a hunter with 5 points of True Faith stands a slim chance of affecting him with magic.

True Faith is a rare attribute in this day and age. No one may start the game with more than one Faith point. Additional points are only awarded at the Storyteller's discretion, based on appropriate behavior and deeds.

Poetic Heart: (3 point Merit)

You have a truly inspired soul within you. You are destined to be a great hero or artist, and therefore Glamour shields you from the ravages of Banality. At times you may even be able to stave off the tide of Banality. You may make a Willpower roll to avoid gaining a point of temporary Banality once per story.

Winged: (3 point Merit)

Wind Runner (Wayfare 3). If you have taken this as a Merit, you may indeed fly for short periods of time. This power works as any other use of Glamour when only Kithain are present, but will not work in the presence of mortals.

Seeming's Blessing: (5 point Merit)

Your Birthrights affect your mortal seeming as well as your fae mien. A sidhe would receive extra dots in Appearance. A satyr would receive extra dots in Stamina and speed. A troll would receive extra dots in Strength.

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