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===Seelie Court===
==[[Seelie Court]]==
The Seelie have a reputation as the guardians of fae traditions.  They are the peacekeepers, protectors of the weak, and the ideals of chivalry.  Most seelie seek the reunion between the mortal world and the dreaming, and would like to be back to the time before the realms became divided.
===The Seelie Code===
==[[Unseelie Court]]==
*'''Death before dishonor''': honor is the most important virtue, the source of all glory.
*'''Love Conquers all''': love lies at the heart of the dreaming. True love transcends all and epitomizes what it means to be Seelie.
*'''Beauty is life''': beauty is a timeless, objective quality that, while it cannot be defined, is always recognized for itself.
*'''Never forget a debt''': one gift deserves another.  The recipient of a gift is obliged to return the favor.
== Rulership ==
==[[Shadow Court]]==
==Notable Seelie==
==[[Green Court]]==
===Unseelie Court===
Red Court
Where the Seelie dedicate themselves to preserving the traditions of the fae, the Unseelie style themselves as mockers of those traditions.  They stand for the principles of constant change and impulsive action.  They have a reputation for fostering war and madness, despising those weaker than themselves, and valuing freedom and wildness over any chivalric code.  The unseelie see themselves as radical visionaries, bringing about vital change and transformation through whatever means necessary, including violence.  Most members of the unseelie court believe that the dreaming has abandoned them, and therefore, that they owe no special loyalty to it or to their lost home of Arcadia.
===The Unseelie Code===
White Court
*'''Change is good''': security does not exist.  The slightest of circumstances can transform a king into a peasant.  Chaos and discord rule the universe.  Adapt or die.
*'''Glamour is free''': glamour is worthless unless used. Acquire it by any means possible, and you will never be without a constant supply.
*'''Honor is a lie''': honor has no place in the modern world. It is a fairy tale constructed to cover the essential emptiness behind most traditions.
*'''Passion before duty''': passion is the truest state of the fae spirit.  Follow your instincts and act on your impulses.  Live life to the fullest without regard to the consequences, they will come about regardless of what you do.  Youth passes quickly, so have fun while you can. Death can come at any time, so live without regret.
== Rulership ==
In the past, the Unseelie Court ruled during the winter months (Samhain to Beltaine) and transferred power to the Seelie Court during the summer months (Beltaine to Samhain). Currently the Court is ruled year round by the Seelie Court, with a token exception during Samhain, a matter that causes unrest and argument among nobles and common folk alike.
==Notable Unseelie==
===Shadow Court===
Shrouded in mystery, intrigue, and things of a sinister nature, all but the most stalwart of [[Noble]]s will even whisper when speaking of the Shadow Court. And those who dare walk its hidden hallowed halls plot and scheme to bring on the [[Ever Winter]].
Or that is what they would rather us wish to believe..
The Shadow Court is an alliance that hides behind the [[Unseelie]] court. Believing that the [[Seelie]] have corrupted the society of the [[Kithian]] by masquerading about in human forms and worshiping antiquated mortality, they seek to bring the coming of the Endless Winter.. They strive to protect the past, but at the same time, the Shadow Court prepares for a new age. Overthrowing the nobility and destroying the seelie court is just the start.
Most of its members are herald from the Unseelie Court, although Seelie have also been known to betray their compatriots and join their sinister brethren.
The Shadow Court, also known as the Midnight Court, can trace its roots back to the time before the Shattering, when the two courts would share seasonal duties. The Seelie court would rule from [[Beltaine]] (May 2, aka May Day) to [[Samhain]], October 31 also known as All Hallows Eve. On this night, the mists would part, giving a glimpse into a world that was much different. This night would be without consequence, for once the night had ended the Samhain [[Mists]] would fall on all, and none
would remember what had happened the night before. On Halloween night, a celebration would occur in which the Seelie would indulge in their unseelie [[legacies]], and the Unseelie would parade about, dressed in mock attire of the Seelie Nobles.
After the [[Shattering]] however, the traditions of passing the crown from one court to another became forgotten, or lost. The Seelie remained in constant control. However... on the hellish nights of Samhain, the Unseelie would remember the time were the courts did not clash, but held equal power to one another. Thus a different Shadow Court came into being. One that remained undetected but almost always a phantom menace. One with its own codes, or Manifesto that it rules by..
== The Shadow Court Manifesto ==
# The First Tenet: Understand the mortal world, and shelter those who cannot live in it.
In a world where poverty, tragedy, crime, violence and despair rule, one must shelter all those who are of the dreaming. Wither they are Kithian, or [[Thallain]]. They are creatures of the Dreaming too and deserve our protection.
#The Second Tenet: Understand the supernatural world, make and break alliances as necessary.
The “[[prodigal]]” races are outside of what we really are. Yet they can bare truth to what it really means to be unseelie sometimes. Despite them not being what we are, they can give illuminating insight to situations that maybe out of our scope. But don't tarry long in their territories.
#The Third Tenet: Harvest [[Glamour]] and prepare for the approaching of Endless Winter.
Mortals come and go, Glamour is free, but [[Winter]] is coming. If you want a chance in hell to survive it, you better be prepared. Admit the truth, if we want to be on the top of the food chain, we have to feast on the weak. Gather Glamour anyway you can.
#The Fourth Tenet: Overthrow the Seelie Court and nobility.
For too long have we been denied our rightful place in the seasons. For this, Winter may be longer than it has ever been, or even Endless. Every chance you get to bring down a Seelie ruler, do so. They are the ones that have truly brought the Endless Winter upon us. If they all fall and Winter comes, then perhaps we will survive long enough for spring to come again. If it ever comes again.
#The Fifth Tenet: Fulfill the Ritual Obligations of the year, culminating in the rituals of Samhain.
Mortals deface what the yearly rituals mean, forgetting the darker side of their festive holidays, buying into things about some fat man who brings them gifts, or that some kid was dumped in a horse trough cause his parents couldn't get any other place to sleep. But we know better. These rituals keep us alive, they remind us of the old days, whiles preparing us for the on coming winter.
#The Sixth Tenet: Spread chaos, revolution and anarchy.
Change is good. But Change isn't enough, for our survival in things we must do more. Chaos keeps things lively, pushes new sources of glamour and confuses the hell out of mortals and the nobility. Revolution keeps those damn Seelie bastards on edge, all the better to knock them down when they aren't looking in the right direction. And Anarchy? I think we are being redundant here, but even I like a good firebombing.
#The Seventh Tenet: '''There is no tenet number seven. ''All Hail Discordia!'''''
:More information on the Shadow Court can be found, in what other place but '''The Shadow Court''' for [[Changeling: The Dreaming]]
[[Category:Changeling Glossary]]

Latest revision as of 11:29, 4 March 2014


Seelie Court

Unseelie Court

Shadow Court

Green Court

Red Court

White Court

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