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Seelie Court

The Seelie have a reputation as the guardians of fae traditions. They are the peacekeepers, protectors of the weak, and the ideals of chivalry. Most seelie seek the reunion between the mortal world and the dreaming, and would like to be back to the time before the realms became divided.

The Seelie Code

  • Death before dishonor: honor is the most important virtue, the source of all glory.
  • Love Conquers all: love lies at the heart of the dreaming. True love transcends all and epitomizes what it means to be Seelie.
  • Beauty is life: beauty is a timeless, objective quality that, while it cannot be defined, is always recognized for itself.
  • Never forget a debt: one gift deserves another. The recipient of a gift is obliged to return the favor.


Notable Seelie

Unseelie Court

Where the Seelie dedicate themselves to preserving the traditions of the fae, the Unseelie style themselves as mockers of those traditions. They stand for the principles of constant change and impulsive action. They have a reputation for fostering war and madness, despising those weaker than themselves, and valuing freedom and wildness over any chivalric code. The unseelie see themselves as radical visionaries, bringing about vital change and transformation through whatever means necessary, including violence. Most members of the unseelie court believe that the dreaming has abandoned them, and therefore, that they owe no special loyalty to it or to their lost home of Arcadia.

The Unseelie Code

  • Change is good: security does not exist. The slightest of circumstances can transform a king into a peasant. Chaos and discord rule the universe. Adapt or die.
  • Glamour is free: glamour is worthless unless used. Acquire it by any means possible, and you will never be without a constant supply.
  • Honor is a lie: honor has no place in the modern world. It is a fairy tale constructed to cover the essential emptiness behind most traditions.
  • Passion before duty: passion is the truest state of the fae spirit. Follow your instincts and act on your impulses. Live life to the fullest without regard to the consequences, they will come about regardless of what you do. Youth passes quickly, so have fun while you can. Death can come at any time, so live without regret.


In the past, the Unseelie Court ruled during the winter months (Samhain to Beltaine) and transferred power to the Seelie Court during the summer months (Beltaine to Samhain). Currently the Court is ruled year round by the Seelie Court, with a token exception during Samhain, a matter that causes unrest and argument among nobles and common folk alike.

Notable Unseelie

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