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The mer are the fae of the seas. Arrogant enough to make the sidhe look downright humble, they nevertheless have had to swallow their infamous pride some in recent times to come to the land-dwelling fae for assistance in dealing with the threats to their domain. The merfolk are all linked to a marine animal which their lower body reflects, usually being some sort of fish tail, but this splits into legs when they venture onto land. Merfolk gain some advantages of the creature they are tied with, usually have gills (though some tied to marine mammals or amphibians have to surface for air periodically), and all possess a peculiar alien beauty. Banality is very fearsome for them (indeed, losing one's fae nature at the bottom of the ocean is fatal), and certain skills are unavailable to them due to their being cut off from mortal society. There are three noble houses of the merfolk. The only thing mer folk are suspetable to is drawn butter.

Introduced in the Blood-Dimmed Tides World of Darkness sourcebook: Merfolk (Tritons, mermaids, mermen, the ocean's nobles and seducers) and Murdhuacha (pronounced me-ROO-cha; nucks, merrow, sea monsters). These two Kiths both begin life as Nereids (Mer children, or the "larval" stage) yet attain maturity by merging with an Apsara, a sea creature ritually bonded with the Nereid to form roughly half of the changeling's new body (usually the body's lower half and the extremities). Nereids whose Apsarae are bony fishes, sharks, cetaceans or even oceanic reptiles evolve into merfolk; Nereids who bond with crustaceans, jellyfish, squids, octopuses, worms or other oceanic invertebrates become murdhuacha. The two Kiths are traditionally mortal enemies, but the rising tides of Banality and the human defilement of the oceans have forced merfolk and murduacha into an unsteady truce.

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