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Among the angriest of the Nunnehi and among those most able to destroy whetever they happen to be angry at, the numuzo'ho supposedly had glimpses long ago of the devastation mortals would bring to the world, and they have been ruled by their righteous anger ever since. Numuzo'ho are incredibly strong and durable. They are also able to call upon the more violent forces of nature to cause natural disasters in a five mile radius once per phase of the moon (no more than four times a month). When the numuzo'ho descends into their elder years, a limb will atrophy and fall off, or they will become blind in one eye. Numuzo'ho are extremely tall in their fae miens, and their eyes glow with an unearthly light.

  • Nickname: Crushers of People

(Category:Other Dreamers)

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