House Beaumayn

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House Beaumayn: The sidhe of House Beaumayn are seers and prophets and sworn enemies of the Shadow Court and all minions of the Fomorians. This oath against the Shadow Court, Thallains, and any awakening Fomorians is so strong however, that the agents of these shadowy affairs can feel when one of this house is near. Originating in France, and the name, roughly meaning "good hand" comes from the house's founder, Jalendrel the Good-Handed. House Beaumayn spent many years imprisoned in Arcadia for the actions of one of its fringe groups, watching in frustration as the world changed around them. However, it was the first of the "Lost Houses" to return to the Autumn World, charged with the task of battling the agents of the Fomorians and unifying the Seelie houses.

House Beaumayn is detailed in Book of Lost Houses: The Second Coming for Changeling: The Dreaming
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