Changeling Ties Merits

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Prestigious Mentor: (l point Merit)

Your Mentor had or has great Status among the Kithain, and this has accorded you a peculiar honor. Most treat you respectfully, while some have only contempt for you, believing you to be merely riding your Mentor's coattails. This prestige could greatly aid or hinder you when dealing with elders acquainted with your Mentor. Indeed, your Mentor's contacts may actually approach you at some point and offer aid. Although your Mentor might no longer have contact with you, the simple fact of your apprenticeship has marked you forever.

Boon: (l -3 point Merit)

A noble owes you a favor because of something either you or your Mentor once did for him. The extent of the boon owed depends on how many points you spend. One point would indicate a relatively minor boon, while three points would indicate that the noble probably owes you his life.

Reputation: (2 point Merit)

You have a good reputation among the changelings of your Court. This may derive from your own reputation or from your Mentor. Add three dice to any Dice Pools involving social dealings with others of your Court. A character with this Merit may not take the Flaw Notoriety.

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