Mortal Society Merits

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Black Market Ties: (l -5 point Merit)

You have special ties to the underground shopping network, ties that help you acquire hard-to-find equipment. This Merit adds one die per point to your Streetwise roll when trying, for instance, to obtain black market weaponry. Difficulties for such rolls are left up to the Storyteller (typically 7 or higher). The point cost reflects how "connected" you may be. The Storyteller may allow you to use your black market connections during the game to provide you with needed or useful equipment. Such connections will not simply hand you whatever you want — these things don't come cheap! It is up to the Storyteller to determine the quantity, quality and availability of the equipment. He may feel free to disallow it entirely if such connections would unbalance the game.

  • One point — Small items: ammo, low-clearance ID badges, good software
  • Two points — Average items: guns, hi-tech software, special ammo
  • Three points — Fancy items: antique cars, explosives, automatic weapons
  • Four points — Hefty items: heavy weapons, high security IDs or access codes
  • Five points — • "Yeah, right. Maybe next game.": hitech military weapons, high explosives, military vehicles

Judicial Ties: (2 point Merit)

You have both influence over and contacts in the justice system. You know most of the judges as well as the attorneys in the D.A.'s office, and can affect the progress of various cases and trials with limited difficulty. Though it is difficult to intervene in a case, you can influence it in one direction or another. These ties can also make it easy to acquire search warrants.

Mansion: (3 point Merit)

You own a large mansion — a home with 25 or more rooms — as well as the surrounding estate. The servants, if you have any, are provided for if you choose this Merit, although they cannot he used as Dreamers or Retainers unless you purchase the appropriate Background. The mansion is assumed to have the most current electronic security available and a fence around the perimeter, but does not have access to a trod (see the Freehold Background for such a place). While the mansion can be in as poor or as good shape as you wish, the more inhabited it appears to be, the more attention it will garner. A ghost house won't attract IRS audits, but it may attract police scrutiny if bands of strange kids hang out there.

Media Ties: (2 point Merit)

You have both influence over and contacts in the local media. You can suppress and create news stories (though not always with 100 percent efficiency; journalists are an unruly bunch), and you have access to the files and gossip of newspaper and TV station staffs.

Nightclub: (2 point Merit)

You own a moderate-sized nightclub, perhaps one of the hottest nightspots in the city. This club brings in enough money to support you in moderate luxury ($1000 a month, but it can grow), but more important than the money is the prestige. You may use the nightclub as your freehold (though you must purchase the Background Trait to do so), or you may simply hang out there. The name of the nightclub, its style, design and its regular patrons are all up to you. Variations on this theme could include a restaurant, theater, comedy club, sports arena or retail store.

Church Ties: (3 point Merit)

You have influence and contacts in some local churches, and have the means to organize protest rallies, help the needy and raise money. The more you use your ties, of course, the greater your risk of being discovered.

Corporate Ties: (3 point Merit)

You have both influence over and contacts in the local corporate community. You understand the dynamics of money in the city and have links with all the major players. In times of need, you can cause all sorts of financial mayhem, and can raise considerable amounts of money (in the form of loans) in a very short period of time.

Entertaniment Ties: (3 point Merit)

You have a degree of fame and influence in the local entertainment scene (music, theatre, dance, S.C.A., etc.). Either you own or manage a good venue or site, or you have some notoriety among both peers and fans. You can exert this influence to ferret out information or buy favors. For five points, this fame can be nationwide.

Police Ties: (3 point Merit)

You have both influence over and contacts in the local police department. You can, with a single phone call, arrange for an APB to be issued. However, the more often you use your ties with the police department, the weaker they become, and the more attention you attract toward yourself. Your influence is not solid (that can be achieved only through game play), and it can let you down at times.

Political Ties: (3 point Merit)

You have both influence over and contacts among the politicians and bureaucrats of the city. In times of need, you can arrange to shut off the power and water to a building or neighborhood, and can unleash many different bureaucratic means of harassment against your enemies. The more you use your political ties, the weaker they become. Total control can only be achieved through game play.

Underworld Ties: (3 point Merit)

You have both influence over and contacts in the local Mafia and organized street gangs. This provides you with limited access to large numbers of "soldiers," and some control over local criminal activities. The more often you use your ties with the criminal element, the weaker they become.

Corporation CEO: (5 point Merit)

You have a particular influence and sway over a major corporation and associated companies, just as if you were its chief executive officer. Indeed, you might have owned this company before your Chrysalis, and you have retained control. Through this corporation, you know much that takes place in the corporate community and have the means to wage economic warfare. This Merit provides you with some informal allies and Resources, the exact extent of which is determined by the Storyteller.

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