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Industrious, earthy and true, boggans are the glue that keep Kithain society together. Ever ready to lend a helping hand and sympathetic ear, boggans are wise enough to realize that even the mightiest heroes need a place to sleep, nite to eat and the occasional parcel of goods to set them on their way. THey are more than happy to oblige them.

Boggans claim they were the result of mortals wishing they has extra hands to help around the house, or just a helper who worked quickly and didn't complain to much. Tireless workers who hold by a store of common sense and household wisdom, boggans see themselves as the force that makes the larger achievements of the Kithain possible, taking as much pride in a simple well-kept cottage as a sidhe lord might have over an entire chimerical manor. It's all a questionof scale, and boggans have suited their own more to their stature. As the hearth-keepers and tavern owners of the Kithain, their reputation for gossip almost rivals that of their craftswork.

Preferring comfort over fashion, boggan choose clothes that are often subdued when compared to those of other kith (although a boggan with a hand for sewing can rival the finest sidhe designers.) In their fae forms, boggans tend to be short, with large, callused hands, twinkling eyes and large noses. They tend toward plumpness, with bushy hair and eyebrows. Most also have a second pair of eyebrows on their foreheads.



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