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Naming is the of True Names and the power of words. It is one of the most insidious Arts known to the Kithain, as while its low levels are deceptively non-threatening, a master of Naming can easily cause irreparable damage. Overly frivolous uses of Naming are not taken lightly by the nobility, who swiftly bring justice to those who subvert its effects. Naming is one of the rarest Arts in changeling society, as its practice is restricted by the Crystal Circle. Long ago, the Art was developed by the Eshu, but limitations and bans have led its practice to be almost exclusive to the Sidhe - a slight that the Eshu are not kind to forgive.


  • Template:Dot Seek 'n' Spell - Whether you understand the language or not, or even if the contents are magically locked, it becomes possible to read any text.
  • Template:Dot Rune - Inscribes a word of power onto an object, allowing it to be far more effective for a specific task.
  • Template:Dot Runic Circle - Produces a circle of protective words, that provides resistance against supernatural forces that attempt to breach the circle.
  • Template:Dot Saining - Recalls the ritual of the True Name that is used when a Kithain first goes through Chrysalis, showing the user that individual's True Name.
  • Template:Dot Reweaving - Once the True Name is known, this cantrip permits the caster to edit that Name, and in doing so edits core traits of what that person or object is.


  • Changeling: The Dreaming Player's Guide, page(s) 171-174
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