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Sovereign is the Art of controlling commoners and noble majesty. It is one of the most political Arts commonly practiced by the Kithain, and exists largely to ensure the maintenance of their political structures. Commoner changelings find this Art exploitative, an unfair trick for keeping the high classes high, and the low classes low. For many years, Sovereign has been the Art that the Sidhe use to exercise their nobility; therefore, it is rare to see it in the hands of other kiths. The connection between nobles and Sovereign is built into the Art; it is almost useless in the hands of a commoner, but breathtakingly powerful in the hands of a King or Queen.


  • Template:Dot Protocol - Brings a magically ensured Court into session, preventing commoners from disrupting the proceedings.
  • Template:Dot Dictum - Specifies a request to the subject of the cantrip, which they must fulfill to the best of their ability, unless it is too dangerous.
  • Template:Dot Grandeur - Take on a mantle of pure beauty and grace, making it nearly impossible for others to try to contradict your desires.
  • Template:Dot Weaver Ward - Block off a doorway or narrow passage, making it impossible for a specified group of objects to pass through.
  • Template:Dot Geas or Ban - Produces an Oath, either requiring a person to fulfill an action (Geas), or abstain from doing a certain action (Ban); breakers of this Oath will suffer some curse as a result.


  • Changeling: The Dreaming Core Rulebook, page(s) 183-186
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