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Dream-Craft is the Art of manipulating the raw stuff that the Dreaming is made of. This art allows Sidhe to change the physical forms within the Dreaming, which can affect the way that freeholds and other sanctuaries of the Dreaming look. It can also affect voile, the chimerical clothing that changelings wear while in the Dreaming. Though Dream-Craft is sometimes considered the exclusive property of the Sidhe, many commoners have excelled in its practice.


  • Template:Dot Find Silver Path - Shows the location of the Silver Path, the path that guides fae throughout the Dreaming, and grants information about who or what is currently upon it.
  • Template:Dot Determinism - Shows what is on the other end of a trod, a mysterious path of the Dreaming upon which space and time are heavily distorted.
  • Template:Dot Homestead - Fixes a point of the Dreaming so that, instead of ever-changing at the whims of the Wyld, it will remain as the caster intended it.
  • Template:Dot Attunement - Ties a changeling to a person, place, or thing, making it so that whatever happens to it, the changeling will be the first to know.
  • Template:Dot Dream Weaving - Produces a chimera, similar to the Phantom Shadows cantrip, but, while that chimera is temporary, this chimera is permanent - so long as it never leaves the Dreaming.


  • Nobles: The Shining Host, page(s) 75-78
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