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Infusion is the Art that assists Nockers in creating all of their wonderful clockwork and chimerical items. It involves the connection of "FUBARS" and other chimerical entities into physical or chimerical forms. With a few rare exceptions, only the Nockers use Infusion. Though other kiths potentially could learn it, most do not see the appeal in learning such a strange and specialized Art.


  • Template:Dot Harden - Prepares a wild chimera by turning it into a crafted chimera, allowing further applications of Infusion to be used on it.
  • Template:Dot Toughen - Adds durability to chimerical materials, including other changelings, granting resistance both to damage and Banality's undoing.
  • Template:Dot FUBAR Generation - Creates and enslaves a FUBAR, a chimerical creature that can serve as a Glamour battery.
  • Template:Dot Animantis - Produces a golem, a mechanical servant that will serve the Nocker and aid him in his work.
  • Template:Dot Gilgul - A terribly dangerous cantrip that, if successful, adds sentient thought to a chimera or animantis, and possibly even a true soul.


  • Kithbook: Nockers, page(s) 56-58
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