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One of the basic needs of a changeling is to inspire humanity. Burnout turns this concept on its head, being the Dauntain Agenda of suppressing true artistic expression, and replacing it with false inspiration. Only the Dauntain practice this or any Agenda; if any Kithain attempts to learn it, the amount of Banality that having it opens them up to will quickly cause their condition to deteriorate.


  • Template:Dot Mindblock - Blocks out one topic or skill that a subject ordinarily would think about quite often.
  • Template:Dot Heartbind - Prevents a positive emotion from being felt, even one as complex and sanctified as True Love.
  • Template:Dot Obsession - Implants the idea that a certain activity, as dull as it may be, is something that is important for the subject to pursue.
  • Template:Dot Acquisition - Requires the subject to collect, making him go out of his way to find as many samples of a certain mundane object as he can.
  • Template:Dot Geek Out - Permanently saddles the subject with a boring hobby, making it difficult for him to socialize with others from his boring interests.


  • The Autumn People page 80-81
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