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The terms faerie, fae, and the Fair Folk are often used interchangeably by non-changelings to refer to changelings and True Fae alike.

In OWoD Changeling: The Dreaming, Fae was a term to use for any Kithain, creature, or being of the Dreaming that had not undergone the Changeling Way. In more modern usage, the word Fae is often used in place of Changelings, as True Fae (also named Firstborn) could not exist in the mortal realm any longer.

It is rumored that Fae that have not undergone the Changeling Way still exist in certain realms of the Dreaming, though due to the intervention of the Mists, no-one can properly remember. However, there are reports of the strange Inanimae, elemental fae that exist since the dawn of time, and the Adhene, ancient fae nominally in the service of the fomorians.

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