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The Art of Wayfare deals with a changeling's ability to move through space. This involves bouncing and covering far distances, speeding forward on feet that move impossibly fast, and even teleporting from one place to another. The Eshu have a deep connection with this Art, though as it is a common Art, any can learn it. In some holds, the nobility has come to fear the power of Wayfare, and may act to make it somewhat harder to come by.


  • Template:Dot Hopscotch - Produce an impossible leap, either up or down, and suffer no damage from the resulting collision.
  • Template:Dot Quicksilver - Allows an object to move at an incredibly fast speed.
  • Template:Dot Portal Passage - Creates a temporary opening through any barrier, allowing it to be moved through.
  • Template:Dot Wind Runner - Allows a target to fly, taking to the sky as if they had wings.
  • Template:Dot Flicker Flash - Instantly disappear, and reappear somewhere else in the world, or in the Dreaming (though, it is usually unwise to use it to cross between the two).


  • Changeling: The Dreaming Core Rulebook, page(s) 186-188
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