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Delusion is the deceptive magical power of memory manipulation, practiced by evoking the power of the Mists. Those who practice it tend to think that they are doing the world a favor, by helping it rationalize the existence of creatures so strange as the Fae. Delusion is one of the Arts of the Shadow Court; it is rarely practiced in other Courts, as the more common Art of Chicanery is used instead.


  • Template:Dot Innocence - Protects the user from attempts to divine information about them, making them seem innocent of crimes they committed.
  • Template:Dot Façade - Changes shape into another person, including masking one's kith for another, or appearing as an item of scenery.
  • Template:Dot The Mists of Memory - Removes a memory from a person's mind, or cause one specific moment to stand out and occlude others.
  • Template:Dot The Depths of Will - Convinces a subject to do some sort of task, that they will have no memory of doing once it is complete.
  • Template:Dot The Darkest Heart - Use emotion as a controlling force, causing a person to believe things about himself that may never have been true.


  • The Shadow Court, page(s) 82-85
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