Unseelie Legacies

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There is a wealth of human folklore about bogles, and you are happy to be part of such a proud tradition. You are a prankster at heart, and you do not care who gets hurt as long as you get a good laugh out of it. Spiteful, mean-spirited pranks are your favorite, though you may occasionally play more benign ones. The results of your jokes usually range from the merely mean to the fatal. Like the Prankster (see above), your jokes may range in intricacy, but motivations tend more toward spite and revenge.

  • Quest: Regain a point of Willpower every time you pull off a particularly artful and mean-spirited prank.
  • Ban: Never apologize for a prank. Never let any intentional slight from a human go by without a prank as repayment.


Manners are for wimps, wusses and mama's boys. Urmpl Rude and ill-bred, you scoff (and fart, piss and belch) at convention. Polite society is just a bunch of sidhe snobs with something up their butts and even more to hide. Unlike the Grotesque (see Changeling: The Dreaming), you are not necessarily trying to be disgusting; you just think that the societal strictures governing personal comportment are unnecessary. You are... natural.

  • Quest: Regain Willpower every time you get away with outraging polite society.
  • Ban: Never be polite.


You inflict pain for no other reason than the enjoyment you get out of watching others suffer. You are, in short, a sadist. You may have a hundred facile rationalizations for why you do what you do. Maybe you have really tried to stop, but the feeling of power that you get out of controlling others' destinies always draws you back. You only feel truly alive when someone else is screaming in pain or begging for mercy. You realize that even other Unseelie fae frown upon this attitude, so you know to hide this predilection, usually behind the guise of another Legacy. You live in fear that someone may give you what you really deserve. You should consult the Storyteller before taking this Legacy.

  • Quest: Regain a point of Willpower every time you really hurt someone.
  • Ban: Never pass up an opportunity to inflict pain.


They call you "superficial," the uncouth swine. Some say you are arrogant and excessively concerned with such "surface" qualities as dress and manner. Piffle! Affected ? You? You are one of the beautiful people, the czars of style. People judge others by their appearance, no matter how much they profess the opposite. You know that style beats substance any day of the week, and you have style in spades. Peasants, prepare to be dazzled!

  • Quest: Regain Willpower every time you outshine others in a social situation.
  • Ban: Never be out of style.


The pursuit of pleasure is your reason for living. You may derive pleasure from any number of sources: sex, drugs, food, sensorial stimulus of any kind. Choose one or all of the above. You spend most of your time and resources in pursuit of the vice of your choice, despite the pain that often accompanies it. Your appetite for pleasure is constantly increasing. You require ever more sensorial stimuli to satiate your jaded palate.

  • Quest: Regain Willpower every time you spend a day pursuing one of your vices, or experience a completely new pleasurable sensation.
  • Ban: Never turn down an opportunity to fulfill your desires.


Grumpy, sour and just plain cranky, nothing ever satisfies you. The light's too bright in here, turn off that awful music, nothing is as good as it was in the "old days." If there is nothing to complain about, then something fishy is going on. Unlike the Gadfly, you do not gripe to improve things (though you may claim you do). You just like to complain and find the worst side of every issue. Every silver lining means there's a thunderstorm a-brewin'. Some believe that under your gruff exterior lies a lovable, old softy. You live to prove them wrong.

  • Quest: Gain Willpower every time one of your dire predictions comes true.
  • Ban: Never look on the bright side of life.


Better a live coward than a dead hero. You live your life by these words. Unfortunately this does not just mean that you have the good sense to avoid harrowing situations. You are a true coward in almost every area of your life. Your code applies to social situations and facing unpleasant truths about yourself, as well as avoiding physical danger. While you may put yourself in danger, you are always looking for the nearest escape route. Since you know others frown on cowardice, you often disguise yourself as one of the other Legacies. You may be ashamed of your cowardice and occasionally perform heroic acts out of a need to prove yourself.

  • Quest: Regain Willpower every time you save yourself by running away.
  • Ban: Never volunteer for dangerous assignments.


The opposite of the Fop, you believe that substance is all that matters, therefore you play the militant slob to show how truly deep you are. You reject all such "surface ephemera" as bathing and basic grooming. Those who pay attention to such trivialities are affected snobs and beneath you. Just because you are a slob does not mean that you are really any deeper for all that. Those who see past your grimy exterior and really take the opportunity to know you may well find you no more genuine than the Fop.

  • Quest: Regain Willpower every time you expose another person as a fraud.
  • Ban: Never dress appropriately for an occasion.


Things fall apart. The center cannot hold. You are a destroyer of social institutions, be they governments, businesses or families. You never miss an opportunity to sow dissension or cause discord. Maybe you do this to help people break out of old, hidebound ways of doing things, but you mostly just enjoy destroying things that other people build. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. The sooner the huddled masses are on their own, the sooner they will realize that. You view yourself as a bold social visionary, an anarchist or a rugged individualist. This may be true, or you may just be a destructive child.

  • Quest: Gain Willpower every time you cause dissension in a tightly knit social group.
  • Ban: Never join a formal organization, except for the express purpose of disrupting it or using it to disrupt other organizations.


Like the Pishogue, you see the world in a very different way than most. Unfortunately it is a very ugly place. You are a human zombie, an emotionless sleepwalker who sees the world as a never-ending horror show. The World of Darkness has finally gotten to you. You accept mindless brutality as the natural order of things. Perhaps you react to this reality by joining in the mayhem, or perhaps you have retreated behind a wall of emotionless detachment. This is not to say that you have no sense of moral outrage, it just takes the most inhuman of atrocities to even register on your screen. Your primary motivations are selfish desire and immediate personal gratification.

  • Quest: You regain Willpower every time you encounter a horrific experience without betraying emotion.
  • Ban: Never take anything too seriously.


Most people are hungry for knowledge, whether they know it or not. You are more than happy to share yours, for a price. You are a sophist in the old sense of the word, one who teaches solely for self-gain. Is that so wrong? Unfortunately you just assume that people want what you are selling. When the ungrateful fools don't meet your price you become... agitated. You believe you know more than everyone else. You will rarely back down from your original argument, no matter how much sophistry and facile logic you have to employ to convince everybody that you know best.

  • Quest: Gain Willpower every time you win an argument or debate.
  • Ban: Never admit you are wrong.
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