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At last we come to those golden years when the twilight starts to blur vision and fog memory. The Elder, Kumu, Naug, Autumn, whatever you want to call any age from twenty-six or beyond, there is one universal constant to all of them. Growing old Sucks.

It sucks even more for those who just have happened to discovered their fae natures as grumps! So much time wasted! And already back to the cycle? What cruel joke be this? It isn't a wonder that many become irascible and bitter. The pleasures and glamour of youth gone, and the youth they see now is wasted on the young.

Banality creeps in like a thief in the night chipping at their idealism. As if to soften the blow, most Grumps like to be alled "Greybeards", but among the young, the name "grump" has stuck. By the late twenties, most greybeards fall before the onslaught of Banality and lose their changeling essence. The most unfortunate are Undone: they lose all memory of their changeling lives. If a greybeard has been able to hold off this fate for long, he has no doubt gained a degree of wisdom. The staunchest changelings find ways to stave off this slumber, even though they may find it difficult to set aside their mortal lives in the process.

Greybeards see themselves as the most reliable and responsible of the Kithain. They often assume the duty of caring for childlings, as wilders think they have more important things to do. They are also keepers of tradition and lore, and they are eager to pass on this knowledge to the young. If only the young would listen more often....

When the burden of the mundane world becomes too great, the easiest escape from ennui is the intrigue of the noble court. These fae see themselves as the movers and shakers in the higher echelons of the court, even if the wilders — or their rulers — see other wise. Though they realize much of Kithain society is hopelessly antiquated, they have grown to appreciate it. There is wisdom in the rituals of the Kithain, and the greybeards treasure it. Keep in mind that not all Grumps are bitter and joyless. Some spend time on fantastical quests seeking out prized treasure like a gold miner seeking his fortune and every so often they are able to put on a show to remind those damn kids that there is still fae magic running through their old bones.

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