House Leanhaun

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House Leanhaun: The most artistic of the Unseelie houses hides with it a terrible secret, one that they would much rather forget but never can. Because of a curse set upon them before the shattering, members of this house grow old before their time, aging nearly a full year for every week they go without potent glamour. Unfortunately, the only way to achieve glamour that is powerful enough to retard and even reverse this effect is with the terrible and forbidden form of Ravaging known as "Rhapsody", in which a dreamer's glamour well is plucked completely dry. Indeed, this artistic house personifies what it means to be the "starving artist."

House Leanhaun is detailed in The Shadow Court, The Book of Lost Dreams, and more extensively in Pour L'Amour et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2 for Changeling: The Dreaming.
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