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Metamorphosis is the Art of changing the shape of living beings. It differs notably from Primal in this in that, while Primal relates to shaping the unliving, Metamorphosis shapes the living. Through it, one fae can easily become whatever she wants, if only for a short time. Metamorphosis is a commoner Art, not due to any specific conspiracy, but because the commoners had more need to blend in with mortals for survival than the nobility in their white towers.


  • Template:Dot Hidden Form - Camouflages a subject, making it nearly impossibly for them to be detected by the eye. Differs from Veiled Eyes in that this is true invisibility, but affects sight only.
  • Template:Dot Impersonate - Changes shape into another person, including masking one's kith for another.
  • Template:Dot Go Ask Alice - Allows for changes in size, making people and objects larger than life, or fantastically small.
  • Template:Dot Merlin's Lessons - A change in shape more dramatic than that of Impersonate, allowing for change into an animal; when combined with Go Ask Alice, that animal can be of any size.
  • Template:Dot Mythic Transformation - Transforms fae into a creature not of this world, complete with their powers, provided the user can stave off the crushing grip of Banality that comes with that power.


  • The Fool's Luck: The Way of the Commoner, page(s) 76-77
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