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The spirits of fire are much as they might be expected to be. Hot tempered, but possessed of a strange nobility, the solimonds are the exiles of the Inanimae. The current solimond empire is ruled by a puppet emperor who is supported by the glome military, the solimonds that do not follow this ruler (the vast majority of them) are considered traitors. It was the solimonds that first gave man the power to Kroft Anchors, and they bear the guilt of the Making War between the Krofted and the Gladeling Inanimae. Solimonds are able to pursue goals with a single minded devotion that aids them in their determination. They are also able to summon up gouts of flame to burn their enemies. All solimonds have great difficulty lying though, it is a great act of will for a solimond to speak anything but the truth. Their Sliver is Pyros, which deals with emotions, combat and fire.

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